MISSING: A healthy, somewhat young, brain.
LAST SEEN: Four kids ago.
I used to be pretty good at remembering a lot of stuff. Calendaring my weeks appointments in my head, remembering birthdays, phone numbers etc. But lately - nada. I've missed three appointments this week alone including a good friend's birthday party, my nephew's basketball game, and a dentist appointment. I feel horrible about it and the worst part is, I have no good reason. I don't know how many brain cells you lose with each child, but it's got to be around 10-20% per kid. If I have any more kids, I could end up in more need of care than them. : ) So, sorry to all those who I've flaked out on this week, I'm going to start writing things down.
So, if I don't have kids, what's my excuse? Miss you. Amy
It happens to us all! I don't think it gets better either. I use to give my Mom a hard time and now I am making fun of myself! Find comfort in the fact that you are not the only one! ha ha
MY WEDDING IS MAY 31st! WRITE IT DOWN! (Let me know if you need me to have someone call you that week as a reminder) ;)
I find that I just don't understand things as fast. I.E. jokes, plans, anything. My synapes (sp) are just shot!
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