Monday, September 3, 2012

Piano Recital

The kids teacher, Melissa Sprenz, does an end-of-the-school-year recital and this was Elle's very first! The kids had practiced like crazy, but I remember how nervous I would get to perform in front of people and felt pretty much the exact same for them! Especially since this was a memorized recital. I was most nervous for Elle. Sometimes she'll just shut down and not do something or put the death grip on my hand and insist I go and help her. When it came time for her turn. She looked at us and said it wasn't her turn and shook her head no. We had to tell her a few times it was her turn to get up there and I thought for sure she wouldn't do it. She was the youngest student there. Then she just walked up, barely sat down at the piano bench and started playing. She did perfect! I was really proud of her! The twins did great too, they're pretty much old hats at this. We love Melissa because she's really got a no-pressure approach and they enjoy playing for her. Can't wait for Christmas!
Looks like Caroline's not too far behind. : )

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