Friday, February 25, 2011

Road Trip

Nothing like a week of sickness to make you think, hmm, maybe I should update my blog. Besides, it's only been 7 MONTHS!!! Pathetic, but gettin' it done.

Last July-August we spent 10 days in the car on our first big road trip as a family. It was awesome! We traveled 2,132 miles and hit 6 states. It started as a trip to the Stoddard family reunion to Salmon, ID, but we thought we should make the most of it and hit Yellowstone and Jackson too. In almost twelve years of marriage, I had never been up to Salmon and really wanted the kids to see it. The pictures show some great highlights, but I have to mention the motorcycle couple. We took the "road less traveled" to Yellowstone, which had us following a couple on a motorcycle who wiped out right in front of us! We had to drive the girlfriend (who had a serious concussion and shared WAY too much) back to Dubois, ID (try and find that on a map!). After back-tracking over an hour the road turned to dirt for about 25 miles. Little scary, but we made it. It was a fantastic trip and I can't wait to do it again in another 12 years. :) Hopefully sooner!

1 comment:

Holly Park said...

You guys are the model family--good Samaritans and all! I always love Yellowstone and Jackson--fun stuff!