Thursday, June 2, 2011

3 Weeks In

Baby Girl turned three weeks old yesterday. Although I feel like I've been awake for most of the three weeks, it's all kind of a blur. This is kind of a candid post, mostly because I like to use our blog as a family journal, but I do want to remember what having a newborn is like so I'm no tempted to do it again in a couple years. : ) Caroline really is a wonderful baby, so beautiful and healthy and we are so blessed to have her in our home. We've just had a few kinks to work out and although it's my fifth, I've totally forgotten how hard having a newborn is. About a week ago she started spitting up like crazy. Actually, I should say throwing up, because it seemed to be pretty much everything she had taken in was coming back up. I hated the idea of her having a food allergy and having to cut out dairy, wheat, and chocolate (what else is there to eat?), but did cut back a bit and it was still happening. Finally decided she was taking in too much air and had to burp her every 1-2 minutes during her feedings (soreness!). Things got better, but it would still happen every now and then. Then we figured out I was overfeeding her. We've stuck to a pretty strict feeding schedule not overdoing it, and it seems to be working. Hopefully she'll grow in to what I have to offer.
I was telling Bud how tough it is to have this beautiful tiny baby who you just want to enjoy every second of because in a heartbeat she'll be big, but you're so tired and stressed most of the time it seems near impossible. The feelings of guilt I have because I'm not spending any time with the other four and the stress to keep Caroline thriving and wanting to enjoy the sweet moments of awake she has, added to very little sleep, really makes for one loser of a Lindsay. But I know we'll come out of this newborn fog and normal will settle in soon. Right now she's napping and I think I'll try to get a shower in, after I look at her for a little bit. Here are some pics of the past couple of weeks:

VERY loving sisters:

One of our "rough" days (all three girls were crying at once)

They're already dressing her up:
The girls made Caroline a crown:

Other happenings:

Mae's "cereal box skirt"
Dance picture day
Bud hiked Lone Mountain with the twins
After bath pictures


Erin said...

those adorable pictures make me want to have number five! But your description of the past three weeks makes me remember just how tough it is!

courtney said...

thanks for getting me ready for the next step when our little one comes out :) i love the photos, i love the one from the day they were all crying. it's sweet & it's important to remember those days too. i think it will be a comfort to our kids one day when they have hard days too.
i miss you like CRAZY!! why can't we be neighbors? caroline is beautiful linds & i know you're doing a wonderful job...the first months are all about survival right? :) although sometimes i feel like my whole life is that way, hee hee!
love you!

Yang Fam said...

So dang cute!! You make it look so easy. You're amazing! We are definitely coming out to see you. Thank you for sharing your photos. I love watching your kids grow.

Tara said...

Thanks for finding me and your family is gorgeous!
Motherhood is rough sometimes but it only takes a few seconds to stop and realize how blessed we are to fill the role. I should do it more often!

I would love to get together but we are still living in Utah. Maybe on my next trip down? It would be so fun to catch up.

Congrats on the new baby girl and your beautiful family!