Saturday, July 20, 2013

I Love A Parade!

July's our parade month!  The kids participated with all their cousins in the Summerlin Patriotic Parade again this year.  The girls were on the Princess float and the boys on the Mario float. Sweltering hot and we swear we're done with it, but we always give in the next year.  Then we had a fun night of fireworks with all the cousins that were in town at 404.  Then, a few weeks later was the Pioneer Day Parade.  Will gets to drive his classic Farmall tractor and absolutely loves it.  The kids had a blast too!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baptism Day

In July, my sweet friend Jennifer, got baptized.  We had become friends through Mae and Makenna during the school year and she had some life experiences that led her to the gospel.  She and Makenna (and her grandparents, sisters, and parents - who are teachers at the elementary), have all become like family.  Her family are strong Christians and were so kind and supportive of her.  After just a few months of discussions, she asked Bud to baptize her.  It was a wonderful day, but even better, a new lease on life for her.  She is such an inspiration and we're so proud of her and how much she's grown, learned and accepted over the past 9 months.  She's truly the type of person who has opened her heart to the promptings of the spirit, listened, and acted on it.  I loved getting to be such a large part of her conversion.  It rekindled my testimony and desire to share the gospel.