Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Band Geeks

My boys are officially band geeks (I was an orchestra nerd, so I can say that). Jonah is playing the french horn and Jake is playing the trumpet.  They're sisters love when they bring their instruments home! Somehow CC managed to get some sound out of both horns. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Back to School Teaparty

I'm not one to go the extra mile or do anything really cutesy, but Mae and Elle had been begging for a tea party, so I let them invite a few friends over and we had a spot of tea.  Turned out pretty cute!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bud's 38!

For Bud's 38th, I posted different pics of him almost every hour on Facebook.  He loved it (not), but it was hilarious.  We sure love this guy!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fall Soccer

Elle and Mae are playing soccer again this fall and are the same team with Makenna and Tracy, Makenna's grandma is coaching, and Bud's assistant coaching! They're fun to watch although their competitive mother has a hard time watching without sideline coaching (yelling). :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

CC's Gymnastics

CC is my last baby to start gymnastics at Mirabelli!  All five kids took gymnastics here, it's super cheap and casual, but before the age of three parents have to participate too.  It is fun to watch her grow and gain confidence in her little body.  She's probably the most athletic toddler I've ever seen!  She LOVES the trampoline!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Mae learned to ride without training wheels! She picked it up really quick with the help of her skate-boarding dad!  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

First Day of School 2013!

This is a big year for the four oldest.  The twins are in 6th grade (middle school!!), Elle's in 2nd, and Mae's in 1st.  My four oldest will be in school ALL day.  But the twins heading to junior high just about did me in.  I was terrified.  I consider myself a pretty tough mom, but I really struggled with 6th grade for my boys.  They're still kind of on the small side and I was so scared of them getting bullied.  I also felt like I was throwing them into the lions den.  Why would a person do that to their children?  : )  I bawled like a baby after I dropped them off.  Luckily, they've loved it so far and I'm grateful to have found a really good public junior high.  The principal is really on top of things and after the first couple weeks they said it was way better than elementary.  Elle's in probably one of the funnest classes ever.  A majority of the class is made up of kids from our ward and stake and other girls that Elle loved.  Her teacher said it was one of the best classes she's ever had.  Mae didn't love school quite so much.  Full day about did her in.  She had the sweetest teacher, but really struggled to be away from home so long.  She cried on and off for the first month or two.  Luckily she's got some great friends in her class, Makenna and Grace, but I sure hope she adjusts soon!  And CC is over the moon to have mom all to herself and I don't mind it too much either!